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Agenda 04/20/2011
April 20, 2011 – 6:00 P.M.
City Hall Annex,  120 Washington Street Room 313 (3rd Floor) Salem, MA

Rebecca Curran, Chair

Executive Session:  Discussion of litigation of each of the following matters:
  • Easley et al. v. Salem Lafayette Development LLC et al.  Essex County Superior Court Docket No. 2006-01820
  • Dzierzek et al. v. Salem Lafayette Development LLC et al. Essex County Superior Court Docket No. 2007-00617
  • Approval of Minutes – March 16, 2011 meeting.
  • Continuation of Public hearing: Petition of A.L. PRIME ENERGY CONSULTANTS requesting a Special Permit under Sec. 3.3.2 of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to extend a nonconforming use (gas station) and dimensional Variances under Sec. 3.3.3 to reconstruct a nonconforming structure (constructing a convenience store); requesting relief from frontage and lot area; and requesting relief from screening requirements of Sec. 6.3.4 , for the properties located at 175 LAFAYETTE ST. (B-1 and R-3) and 183 LAFAYETTE ST. (B-1 Zoning District).
  • Public hearing: Petition of RENEWAL VENTURES, LLC requesting a Special Permit under Sec. 3.3.2 of the Salem Zoning Ordinance allow a change of nonconforming use by addition of one (1) residential unit to an existing four (4) residential unit building, and requesting Variances from lot area per dwelling unit and off-street parking requirements, for the property located at 28 EDEN STREET (R-1).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of KIERAN HURLEY requesting a Special Permit under Sec. 3.3.5 of the Salem Zoning Ordinance alter a nonconforming structure by constructing a second story on an existing garage on the property located at 4 PATTON ROAD (R-1).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of RAYNALDO DOMINGUEZ requesting a Variance from Sec. 3.2.4 of the Salem Zoning Ordinance, Accessory Building Structures, including side yard setback, number of stories, and height, in order to demolish the existing shed on 38 CABOT STREET and construct a garage with second-story storage (R-2).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of ANDREW LYALL requesting a Variance from minimum width of side yard, and a Special Permit to extend a nonconforming structure, to allow an attached garage approx. 10’ x 19’ at 40 COLUMBUS AVENUE (R-1).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of MARC BOUCHARD requesting a Variance from minimum side yard setback and a Special Permit to extend a nonconforming structure in order to construct a breezeway on the property located at 55 TREMONT ST. (R-2).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of PAULA PEARCE requesting a Special Permit and Variances from height, number of stories, lot area per dwelling unit, lot coverage, and front, side and rear setbacks in order to demolish the existing building on 15 HIGH STREET and construct a one-unit, three-story residence (R-2).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of NICOLE BARLETTA requesting a Special Permit to extend a nonconforming structure, and Variances from number of stories, lot coverage, and side and rear setbacks, in order to construct a shed dormer and two rear decks on the two-family house at 31 ARBELLA ST (R-2).  
  • Public hearing: Petition of CHARLIE RICKER requesting a Variance from number of stories and a Special Permit to extend a nonconforming structure in order to construct a third floor porch on the property located at 112 LORING AVE (R-1).  
  • Old/New Business
  • Adjournment
Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 39 §23B and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.